第29回代数学若手研究会 (Osaka, Japan), 11 March - 14 March
Traces of semi-invariants
Interactions of Commutative algebra, Representation theory, and Combinatorics in Bangkok (Bangkok, Thailand), 29 October - 1 November
fiber coneのHilbert関数について
東京可換環論セミナー (online), 4 October
When are trace ideals finite? 日本数学会2024年度秋季総合分科会 (Osaka, Japan), 3-6 September
Graded filtrations and ideals of reduction number two
Mini workshop on commutative algebra (Thai Nguyen, Vietnam), 21 September
MSJ Autumn Meeting 2019, at Kanazawa University (Ishikawa, Japan), 17-20 September
The Auslander-Reiten conjecture for non-Gorenstein rings
The 8th China - Japan - Korea International Symposium on Ring Theory (Aichi, Japan), 26-31 August
Local cohomology of affine semigroup rings, part 2
第16回可換環論サマースクール (Chiba, Japan), 5-8 August
Local cohomology of affine semigroup rings, part 1
第16回可換環論サマースクール (Chiba, Japan), 5-8 August
第32回可換環論セミナー (Aomori, Japan), 27-30 June
The Auslander-Reiten conjecture for non-Gorenstein Cohen-Macaulay rings
Conference on Commutative Algebra and its Interaction with Algebraic Geometry In Honor of Bernd Ulrich (Indiana, USA), 16-21 June
イデアル化のCohen-Macaulay型とresidually faithful加群について
The 15th Mathematics Conference for Young Researchers (Hokkaido, Japan), 4-7 March
Residually faithful modules and the Cohen-Macaulay type of idealizations
第24回代数学若手研究会 (Tokyo, Japan), 18-21 February
Residually faithful modules and the Cohen-Macaulay type of idealizations
A Mini-Workshop on Commutative Algebra (Thai Nguyen, Vietnam), 6 January
The structure of chains of Ulrich ideals in Cohen-Macaulay local rings of dimension one
The 40th Japan Symposium on Commutative Algebra (Kanagawa, Japan), 22-26 November
Residually faithful modules and the Cohen-Macaulay type of idealizations
The 40th Japan Symposium on Commutative Algebra (Kanagawa, Japan), 22-26 November
MSJ Autumn Meeting 2018, at Okayama University (Okayama, Japan), 24-27 September
The structure of chains of Ulrich ideals in Cohen-Macaulay local rings of dimension one
MSJ Autumn Meeting 2018, at Okayama University (Okayama, Japan), 24-27 September
Some categories of maximal Cohen-Macaulay modules and idealizations
The 10th Japan-Vietnam joint seminar on commutative algebra (Hue, Vietnam), 10-14 September
Infinite free resolutions, part 2
第15回可換環論サマースクール (Aichi, Japan), 27-30 August
Infinite free resolutions, part 1
第15回可換環論サマースクール (Aichi, Japan), 27-30 August
トレースイデアルを用いたゴレンシュタイン性の解析 Ⅱ
第25回大和郡山セミナー (Nara, Japan), 2-3 July
トレースイデアルを用いたゴレンシュタイン性の解析 Ⅰ
第25回大和郡山セミナー (Nara, Japan), 2-3 July
Residually faithful modules and the Cohen-Macaulay type of idealizations
第31回可換環論セミナー (Kyoto, Japan), 27-30 June
On GGL rings
Mini-workshop on Commutative Algebra –by and for young mathematicians- (Hokkaido, Japan), 26-28 March
Characterization of generalized Gorenstein rings
MSJ Spring Meeting 2018 at The University of Tokyo (Tokyo, Japan), 18-21 March
イデアル化R⋉Iのalmost Gorenstein性
MSJ Spring Meeting 2018 at The University of Tokyo (Tokyo, Japan), 18-21 March
A characterization of the Gorenstein property in terms of trace ideals
第23回代数学若手研究会 (Osaka, Japan), 5-8 March
A characterization of the Gorenstein property in terms of trace ideals
第30回可換環論セミナー (Hokkaido, Japan), 31 January -2 February
A characterization of the Gorenstein property in terms of trace ideals
International workshop on commutative algebra by and for young mathematicians (Thai Nguyen, Vietnam), 17-21 January
Ubiquity of Ulrich ideals in dimension one
The 39th Japan Symposium on Commutative Algebra (Kyoto, Japan), 13-17 November
Ulrich ideals and G-regular rings
The 39th Japan Symposium on Commutative Algebra (Kyoto, Japan), 13-17 November
Ulrich ideals and GGL rings in dimension one
International Conference on Commutative Algebra and its Interaction to Combinatorics, Discrete Geometry and Singularity Theory (Hanoi and Ha Long, Vietnam), 11-15 September
Ulrich ideals and GGL rings in dimension one
International School and workshop on commutative algebra (Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam), 5-8 September
Sally modules of rank one
第14回可換環論サマースクール (Kanagawa, Japan), 21-24 August
Gorenstein property of Rees algebras
第14回可換環論サマースクール (Kanagawa, Japan), 21-24 August
On generalized Gorenstein local rings
明治大学可換環論セミナー (Kanagawa, Japan), 8 April
First Hilbert coefficients
International workshop on commutative algebra (Thai Nguyen, Vietnam), 4-7 January
A minimal free resolution and type
The 2nd International School on Commutative Algebra at Thai Nguyen University (Thai Nguyen, Vietnam), 5-11 June
Numerical semigroup rings
The 2nd International School on Commutative Algebra at Thai Nguyen University (Thai Nguyen, Vietnam), 5-11 June